I the Mighty + Polyphia

I the Mighty opened for Polyphia, and I of course went solely for them. Two shows for me this tour, Worcester, MA, and New Haven, CT. Well, I was physically present at these two shows, but really only got to watch one of them. Deja vu to that Boston show a few years back.

Worcester Palladium — 4/13/19

I rode up to Worcester, MA, with the OG ITM crew: Corey, Marion, and Kryzia. My loves. Corey picked me up in Brooklyn, where it was HELLA HOT that day. I was not prepared, in my usual concert attire of leggings. Too hot. Oof.

I attempted to stuff my face with McDonalds french fries in the car while Kryzia attempted to play music out of a portable speaker that kept falling over.

We got to the venue pretty much right before doors opened. Cram and his kid were already in line, and Cram picked me up and put me in front of him, over the line railing, and the rest of the crew followed suit. We didn’t realize how close to doors it actually was, but here are cutting the line. Whoops.

Me, Corey, Marion, and Kryzia joined Cram, Tristan, Danielle, and Tony. Gang’s all here.

Tristan had grown SO MUCH since the last time I saw him. Oh my god, puberty.

Where the Mind Wants to Go
Pet Names
Cutting Room Floor
Symphony of Skin
Speak to Me
Chaos in Motion

Cave In
Silver Tongues
Lady of Death

I had to unfriend Biz on facebook for about the hundredth time while in the middle of the I the Mighty pit. I said deja vu, right? This is an old story at this point. I shed about two tears as I did it, then turned it into rage as “Cutting Room Floor” started. I guess I threw myself into Danielle, but she didn’t mind.

Brent: “That pit during ‘Cutting Room Floor’ was awesome!”
Me: “Oh yeah, that was me.”

I loved that they played that one. But no “Dreamer,” which is surprising.

“Cave In” was great live. This was my first time seeing that one. I loved it. Brent got a little sappy, understandably so, as it’s a tough song.

I didn’t totally trust the crowd to surf (was there even security there???) but Marion and Corey both crowdsurfed, and that made my heart happy.

I spent most, if not all, of Polyphia’s set girl-talking with Danielle in the bathroom, about reasons I had to unfriend Biz yet again. She made me feel loads better about the whole thing.

I spent the rest of their set either at the bar, or at merch talking to the I the Mighty boys. I missed them.

Poor Aaron was overworked this tour, doing merch and tour managing, and maybe something else too? I don’t remember. But he loves the boys, and us I hope, so hopefully it was worth it.

We got tacos before heading home, and I think I accidentally slept the whole way back. Whoops.

That was the only show I had plans to go to, but Niki asked me last minute if I wanted to join her to go to the Connecticut show, and of course I said yes.

Toad’s Place, New Haven CT — 4/14/19

I should’ve said no. OH HI BAD NIGHT.

I needed a good night and I missed Niki, so I thought this would be fun. But her best friend Ashley was there, and I guess I thought I could trust her, but things… did not go well, clearly.

This isn’t the time or place to discuss drama, but it’s safe to say we did not get along, and I spent the entire night crying, missing I the Mighty entirely.

Like the night before, when “Cutting Room Floor” came on, I rushed into the pit to try to turn the tears into rage, but Ashley did not take my throwing myself into her as well as Danielle did. Ya think people are into moshing until they don’t like you, huh.

Shout out to the MVPs of the night:

– the bartender who kept pouring me free whiskey while I cried and gave me directions to the train back to NYC so I wouldn’t have to ride with Ashley
– two random dudes who talked to me while I cried
– Aaron for letting me sit at ITM’s merch table while I cried
– one of the other merch guys for giving me a water bottle while I cried
– Zach (another ITM/Coheed fan who was there) for rubbing my back while I cried
– the OG ITM crew for messaging me to make sure I made it home safe

Yeah so it was a bad night, and then I took a three and a half hour train ride home by myself because fuck my life. The end.

So unfortunately I can’t tell ya much about this show aside from this video of “Cave In” I got from the merch table.

If you ever see a video from me and it looks like I’m super far away, just know that means I was crying somewhere. (It’s only happened twice, but like… I will always be near the stage otherwise.)

Lindsay Marshall

One time I sneezed and Billie Joe Armstrong blessed me.

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